Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blog # 8 "The Storm", "The Rope",and "Epilogue'

Blog # 8

"The Storm," "The Rope",and  "Epilogue".

Dana and Kevin  go back home, Dana has been away for two months, Kevin was for five years.During this period he traveled through the cities of the Northeast.  He worked as a teacher to survival, also he helped to slave to escape when he could.

When Dana returned, after she had had whipped by Tom Weylin, she met her cousin and and she thought that Kevin had abused of her,in that time was easy to think that because they were interracial couple and living in times of slavery the cousin assumes that Kevin as white man would talking possession of Dana for being black women, but this is a result for stay in the plantations, she was exposed to all kind of treatment and humiliations by the masters, they didn't' her because she as different at the rest of the slaves, that the masters could treatment as usual or according to them as their owner.

Dana had to pay a price for living in the plantations and find her past and her ancestors, living with Rufus, that was a selfish and white man that wanted that Dana was taking  care of him and he  called her whatever he had in trouble.

The most important in this novel was that, Butler made that Dana returned to the present, but no complete, after she had lived into the slavery and seeing all treatment that black  people were exposed, fighting with Rufus, and being wiped by Tom Weylin, she finally returned to present, but she left her own part there, she returned without her arm it was left behind, piece from her in stayed in the past.  She learned to live without her arm,  a sign that she became a slave.  She was obligate to lose her own essence.

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